TODAY'S THE DAY! What day, Adult Mair (AM) asks Inner Child Molly(ICM)? ICM: Day TO PLAY! I wanna make an apple pie just my size and go outside because it's sunny and play with colors and drawing and then I want to eat lunch and read my book and call my friend and then I... Continue Reading →

Quiet Reflection

Today when I woke up I didn't get up. Today is Saturday in my world. More space today in my schedule than there is in the "work-week". Hey I'm deciding right now next week is going to be the "play-week". Maybe I do work, but it will be "play-work". That feels very satisfying to set... Continue Reading →

Calm and Cool…wanna be…

Yes, I want to be calm and cool. I especially notice this when I am agitated and tense. Hot and bothered. Looking for relief and not finding it. I notice I'm thinking some version of Don't just stand there! DO SOMETHING; feeling a sense of urgency, combined with fear. I listen to that and decide... Continue Reading →

I can do “it”.

I can do "it"....and I decide what that "it" is! This is my birthday anniversary month. I'm choosing today where I'm looking. Am I looking behind me  at over a half century of living? That's a lot to look at and I can get stuck there! Am I looking forward into a future I'm imagining?... Continue Reading →

Love, Flow, Freedom, Caring

My heart and mind, spirit and body are aglow with love and light this morning. I was born and raised in Northern California; currently thousands of acres now ablaze and in danger from fires spread by winds. Some people escaping with mere minutes to spare. Some people not escaping. Hurricanes. Floods. Earthquakes. I just saw... Continue Reading →

Balancing Act

I like planning in a conceptual visionary kind of way. I like planning practical actions to take and things to do. What I'm not used to is proceeding in an orderly way from vision to planning with action steps which have time frames. You know-so that the vision is translated into orderly action steps and... Continue Reading →

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